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Have you heard about floating, AKA: Sensory Deprivation?

About nine months ago I started working at a float center in Jacksonville, FL called H2Om Float. They contacted me after seeing me online and before I knew it I was part-time manager which allowed me to FINALLY leave the dental world and for those that know me well, they know how ready I was to leave the dental world. No need to focus on that tho, bye-bye dentures and toothaches!

I didn't know anything about floating prior to coming to this place so I did a ton of research and quickly got on board. I was so excited to be a part of something that can help so many and see how this therapy would be beneficial for my body pains as well as my mind. I read blog after blog, news articles and more. Most of it painted floating in a positive light with the exception here and there, mostly those who were claustrophobic or just simply didn't allow themselves enough to relax...

For those that don't know what floating is we will go over a brief summary.. you have a tank with about 10-12 inches of water, each one filled with about 800-1,000 pounds of epsom salt. The water is kept at skin temperature and you automatically float, much like in the dead sea. Laying in the tank you have cut off all of your senses-
  • Sight (No light)
  • Hearing (Soundproof)
  • Touch (Water is same temp as you)
  • Taste (Well, there's no eating during the
  • Smell (There is no smell to the salt)
Cutting off all the senses like this in basically a gravity-free environment allows both your mind and your body to focus on EVERYTHING else but gravity. It helps athletes post-workout, increases circulation, helps with aches and pains including those associated with fibromyalgia and arthritis, and is amazing therapy for ADD, ADHD, insomnia and more. You take a shower, jump in the tank and float in the dark for generally an hour and just simply let the stress, pain and worry "float" away as well...

Last week me and the other manager discussed doing a 7 day float journal... floating an hour each day and shooting a little vlog before and after each float. She knows how much I blog, vlog and more, lol, so this sounded right up my alley, especially since I LOVE floating! I usually float about once a week so 7 days in a row would be a big difference.

Today was my third day and I can tell such a difference in my body and creative direction. I've been working on various projects all day long and so focused. I am loving it. I have had more energy and I am not in as much pain as I usually am. What will four more days of floating will do for me!
If you get a chance check out my blogs on YouTube and a follow would mean a lot, more importantly tho look into floating in your area, wherever that may be, and try it out. Float at least 2-3 times and see how it works for you, you may be surprised 💙

You can see my previous float blog here ðŸ’¦
and watch the third float vlog here ðŸŒŠ


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