My whole life changed (for maybe the billionth time) on November 3, 2017. I had watched my son graduate from his Army AIT training the day before and traveled back from SC only to wake up with my entire face so swollen it looked as though I could burst at any moment.. the pain was real. I had done some blood work at the docs a few weeks earlier and we had not gotten the results so my husband drove me straight to the doc that day to demand some answers. I was told a few tests needed to be redone but the one thing she knew for sure is no more gluten... I blogged about it here. Before you ask, no I have not found out if it's Celiac, Lupus or anything else, even though the doctor seemed concerned about Celiac. Insurance issues. Yay life... The last year has been a huge journey. Figuring out that EVERY little thing matters. Cross-contamination is real (if you don't change your gloves I will have a reaction), almost everything has gluten in it from shampoo to sausage and you
Blogging my way through life, love and the pursuit of happiness in a world full of craziness.
Art and entrepreneurship are my passions and my favorite place to be is on the stage or in a booth!
#KtownKris #KtownAndDiesel #HiveTour #MyTeamMentors #iSupport