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Showing posts from June, 2013

Dreams and doubts...

Lately as I find myself hosting more and more events I have really found that this is something I should have been doing long ago. When I first started in this industry I was always behind the scenes.. behind the camera.. behind the print.. behind the promo... behind the artists.... well you get the point. I love music, always have. Its a major part of who I am.. Music sets moods, tells stories and eases pain. It allows people to express themselves, showcase their talent and change lives. To say I am thrilled to have a part in all of this is an understatement. When I first started in this business I'd watch the hosts come in, hit the stage and control the flow of the event. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be that person yet I held myself back. I let myself believe that I didn't deserve that spot on the stage. That I wasn't thin enough, pretty enough, known enough... I doubted myself and as long as I doubted myself how could I ever expect anyone else to have belief in me?...

A lonely shower..

So my whole life I have been scared to take a shower when I am home alone... Partly because of scary movies, partly because of safety.. I just don't like to shower when no one else is home.. as a Mom someone is almost always home... that being said I can't not have a shower so I got home from work yesterday and as I stepped into the shower one of my biggest fears came into play and not only did I slip and fall in said shower but I also hit my neck/head on the shower shelf :( Talk about scared! I sat there for so long just thanking God that it wasn't worse, that I was ok and that nothing was visibly wrong... slowly I got up and showered but was scared to go to sleep for the longest because of hitting my head. Made me think about how different life is when you are used to living alone and when you are not. I've never really lived alone. I became a Mom very young, have always been in a serious relationship and have a million and one friends. A life without other people co...