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Showing posts from December, 2017

6th Annual Toy Collection and Holiday Party- The Law Offices of John Phillips

Let's talk about last night! Hubby and I went to the 6th Annual Toy Collection Benefit and Holiday Party at The Law Offices of John Phillips . Each year grows to an even better event which you don't think is possible until you get there for the magic. They bring in over 20 TONS of SNOW, yes snow, in Jacksonville, FL and its formed into a hill with a play area surrounding it, as well as having blowers set up at various points blanketing SNOW flurries over the entire event. Lights are strung up around the trees and stage along with other decorations, the huge boombox he owns is parked behind DJ EL , there are fully stocked bars inside and outside (with plenty of Capri Suns for the kiddos), a room literally filled with food, the mascots for the Jaguars , Icemen and Jumbo Shrimp plus Santa and the Chik-fil-a  cow even made an appearance with free chicken biscuits halfway through the night. Mama Blue kicked off the night before DJ EL and had everyone swaying to her soul...

Event Alert- 4th Annual Kissing for Toys from Xclusively Kissed

One week to go until the 4th Annual Kissing for Toys Benefit Tasting and this is one event I am beyond excited for!!! I have worked with Chef X of Xclusively Kissed at several events over the years. When I asked her to work with me on a show a few years ago she committed to it immediately and beyond impressed me and everyone there with her work. Since then she and her brand have grown even better working with professionals, using amazing displays and knowing the importance of protecting her brand in addition to just being an amazing chef. Last year she asked me to host her annual Mother's Day Brunch and it was a beautiful honor. Held on the river in downtown Jax the food was exquisite with live performances and she gifted the mothers there with a tea cup set to take home. My husband and I were asked to come out as guests to her Father's Day Dinner as well and he hasn't stopped talking about Xclusively Kissed food yet. I reached out to her a few months back and offere... Reviews & Discounts

So my office started selling CBD* based products a few months ago and prior to that I was completely ignorant of these products even existing. Honestly I really didn't know anything about CBD in general so when we began discussing the chance of selling various products I started to do my research. The best part has been as new products come in the owner likes us to test them out so we can honestly know how well they work as well as give accurate testimonials to our clients. Recently we launched a website so those not in Jacksonville, FL can still order some of these amazing products from us. We order from several manufacturers so we offer a variety of options from gummies and tinctures to pain patches and honey. Each one has varying amounts of CBD in them and each person really has a different level for what helps them best. I usually recommend people trying  a small amount to see how that helps and go from there. One of the reasons this excites me so much is I am very anti-med...

Tales of a Teen Mom

One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life is be a parent but it's also the thing I am proudest of. Most know I started this job as a Mama at the young age of 16 years old... I brought into this world (yes I, the father chose not to be involved) a beautiful, smart and amazing baby girl. Her eyes lit up my world, her hair drove me insane and my life totally changed for the better. I went on to have two more amazing girls and two awesome boys completing my little group of five, yes five, children. Starting at 16 and having five children by the age of 23 was insane. No birth control worked. Period. Pills, shots, you name it, nothing... thankfully as I was gifted with these AMAZING children. So during my pregnancy for my fifth I made the decision to make a more permanent choice after finding a doctor that would allow me to do so. The rules in Virginia to have a tubal ligation are completely insane and it was not easy but I was able to find one, so the day after my yo...

A Few New Gluten Free Finds..

With learning that I must go gluten free I am finding that most people have their own ideas about what the diet means. It has not been as easy as some made it sound to find ready made gluten free products but I am finding surprises here and there and finding ways to make homemade things still taste yummy without the gluten... After eating grilled chicken and salads for 2 weeks straight I decided to have some not so healthy gluten free food. lol... Since I am finding it not so easy I figured I would share my finds along the way so the next person out there looking for answers may find an occasional blog from me helpful. Although I have sponsored posts from time to time I am in no way being paid to mention any product I use in my blogs unless I clearly state so in the blog. It will have sponsored and ad used whenever it is a product I've been sent to test for free or paid to use. Today's blog is not sponsored. Today I am going to cover a delicious bread I used for sandwiches,...