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My stars up there

Yikes! I have let a freakin month go by without blogging! Ughhhh.... so much going on! Started a new full time job that I have to say I am really happy there. Such an improvement... Other than that I was blessed to host 2 important events this past month... November 23rd marked the 1 Year Anniversary of the day young Jordan Russell Davis lost his life to senseless gun violence. November 30th we had the 1st Annual #RepYoBrand! Fashion & Talent Expo at The M.O.S.H. which was a blast to host with some amazing talent and beautiful fashions and I got to rock my very own #KtownKris shirt designed by Acropolis Clothing and a sexy red with cold trim dress from NajaMarie Fashions.

With so much progression on a professional level as always the personal has its ups and downs. The past few weeks my roommate's 12 year old son was admitted to the hospital after they found a mass in his heart valve and staph infection. Needless to say its been a rough few weeks and she's taken leave from work to be at his side. I started a fundraiser to help raise money to pay her bills while she is there and unable to work. I feel so helpless and we miss them terribly...

It's currently almost 2:30 am and I felt the urge to write this after standing outside looking at my stars... Whenever I need some inner peace I look at the stars. Growing up I loved laying down looking up at the stars. I grew up in a small city whose lights didn't overpower the beauty of the night sky above. As much as I love Jacksonville I can't always see the stars well, especially if you live near downtown, but when I found fishing I finally discovered places in our city where you could go out, throw a line in the water and look up at thousands of lights sparkling in the sky... It has been awhile since I was able to have a late night/early morning on the water but now I love in this quiet neighborhood tucked in Mandarin far enough away from the downtown lights for me to still see so many of those stars on a clear night like tonight.. when I am unable to sleep and just need a place to clear my mind and just relax....

I wish I could control more things.. I wish I could be there for more people, I wish I could have everything I want right now but I am willing to work for it, willing to show my commitment to both personal and professional aspects of my life.. I work on my patience, my willpower and my focus... I don't have everything I want but I always have what I need and as long as I stay thankful for that, everything else will happen as it should... Thank you my stars...


  1. Do you remember doing twinkle...twinkle....little star after we read a book and before you got tucked in?


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