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My life has always been lived for others... I support this person, parent another, promote for one and advise 2 more... I'm not saying I don't look out for myself, I'm saying I put my needs and wants on the back burner way too often...

I'm a strong intelligent female and it seems I'm always playing second fiddle to someone else.. is this my fault or my destiny? It's nothing I've really noticed until this very point. I always talk about you can't do for noone else unless you do for yourself and I'm not fully living that philosophy!!! Talk about an eye opener... people know me but only by connecting the dots. I'm trying to build an Empire and that ain't happening if I don't start pushing myself even more and stop taking the bull ish others toss my way...

I've been in music quite a few years and let me tell u all, this ish ain't easy. People lie, cheat, scam and more... the stories I've seen and heard should he in a book somewhere. Maybe one day down the road my memoirs will be a great read.

Every project I enter is out of love for music and the desire to see those I love excel, AND be a part of something I love and enjoy. I've met so many awesome people along the way, including my amazing man, that I don't regret one single think that's happened. I just now know that I have to select projects that are well run and organized to be a part of or just run things my own way. Like I said earlier, I gotta do me or I'm no good to anyone else and I appreciate all that support me!

So my advise to anyone reading this is APPRECIATE those that have your back and never take them for granted.. even the biggest supporter will stop being there when all you don't realize everything they do....
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  1. Totally awesomeness! You know I feel you on a lot of that! But just nod, smile, and keep your chin up. You are fabulous girl and just keep focus on the things you need to accomplish, starting with yourself first so you can radiate that positive drive you have!

  2. Have I told u lately how awesome u r?!?! :)

  3. Jimmy and I always say we should write a book about what local bands go through. You get ripped off or screwed over and then ya have to just smile and walk away. We've realized that we're too nice and end up getting taken advantage of bc people think "oh they won't get mad so we'll just screw them over". But then again do we want to be known as the a-holes? Case in point; they messed up the bookings for the local radio show this week. We booked Wednesday but they have us on the schedule for Tuesday. Ok, so I text them and admit they messed up and cancel the other band but they left the event on reverbnation and facebook wrong so they aren't promoting us for the right day. I've messaged them twice and it's still not fixed. And then you could get me going about how venues expect you to do all the promoting and advertising for shows and don't raise a finger or spend a penny to even let people know they have entertainment! But I'll get off my soapbox, it's your blog.

  4. I love it! I want comments :) You guys know how shady people in this business can be... we have to try to do what we enjoy without letting the nonsense mess it up!


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