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Showing posts from May, 2020

2020 Started Off a Little Weird...

Let's catch up a little: Last year was hell. I took almost 6 months to self-care. Still posted on social media, just not as frequent and focused on getting a lot of things together. Started 2020 off celebrating hubby's birthday at a cute little AirBnB in St. Augustine and preparing for travel as my son was having surgery and daughter coming home from deployment in South Korea. These events ended up being scheduled within 10 days of each other so it got a little crazy. So January 29 me and hubby drove to Orlando where a friend dropped us off at the airport and we took our first flight together (we have both flown independently) to Baltimore, MD then a train to DC and my oldest son picked us up there. The next two days we had an amazing time around the area visiting the Natural History Museum, African American History Museum, Hornets vs. Wizards game and more. That Friday he had an outpatient procedure on his hip and was sent home to rest. Hubby and me woke up Saturday morni...