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Call of Duty

So I'm not your typical girl.. I don't get mad at my man when he plays video games and demand he get off.. I like them too!

I grew up playing video games.. we had atari, nintendo, super nintendo and a few others as kids. I was the kid playing mario until I beat it.. I would throw remotes, yell and get mad BUT I would beat it nd not give up! The older I got I still played and got systems like Dream Cast, xBox, xBox 360 and now have the PlayStation 3. I love the technology.. I love the games and how I can go shooting on the battlefield, then ply a game of trivial pursuit and sort through pics and music right on my system. Do I play on it often? Honestly no... I get frustrated.. the older I get the more mad I get if I can't get it right... I can't be the only one like this?!?!

The biggest issue I have had with Call of Duty is its so constantly changing.. the other players are always better than me so I felt like it made it hard to learn.. I would get overwhelmed and just avoided playing... My guy knows how much I do enjoy the game play though and has decided to teach me more one on one lately.. We play in Combat Training mode and I am having a blast! We started out on the most simple levels and moved up as I progressed and I am finally feeling so much more confidant. I am so happy he doesn't just get frustrated and play on his own, he actually enjoys playing with me! :D

My advise to other ladies is you don't always have to do everything your man does but the more you relate to him on things he enjoys the better your relationship will be!


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